The husband and I are pretty set on becoming a single car household in the very near future. Ack!! This is sort of scary. How will I be able to take a spur of the moment cross country road trip without my own 5 seater sedan? We are planning on living in the great city of San Luis Obispo for at least another year so it shouldn't be too much of a logistical nightmare. SLO is great because it is only 3.5 miles from end to end and everything is centrally located (near out apartment). This will work out so well because I will save $300 and the at least $130 in gas it takes to make the 5 mile round trip to school each day, not to mention the wear and tear and maintenance for the vehicle.
We both have great bicycles, but the real reason we are both so excited to cut back on an entire car is the prospect of getting a 125cc gas powered scooter (or motorized cycle by California DMV standards). OOOH! (just popped in my head) our one car will be able to use the designated covered parking spot exclusively! Wow! between bus (free for me as a Cal Poly student), biking, and 90+mpg scooter and the one car, we should have no problem getting all of our business done.
This idea has been bubbling for quite some time, but now that one car is in the shop and gas prices are only at the beginning of their summer climb it has really cemented itself in our minds. Gabe already rides his bike to work 2 miles away a few times a week and we may make one or two trips a week each "out of town" (to the neighboring cities 10-15 miles away). So, less gas, insurance, maintenance, tires, washing, liability - how could we loose?
The best part it Gabe might end up selling his car to a coworker who wants something reasonable for his soon to be licensed daughter, so we would have the cash to get the scooter!